
Perfection, is one of those words that you have to wonder what really is the meaning of it. Another example, the word average. What really is the meaning of average? Is anyone really average or perfect? Is it attainable with all the quirks and differences we as humans have? Let’s take a look at what the dictionary has to say about the word Perfection…

  • The state or quality of being or becoming perfect
  • The highest degree of proficiency, skill or excellence, as in some art.
  • A perfect embodiment or example of something
  • A quality, trait, or feature of the highest degree of excellence
  • The highest or most nearly perfect degree of a quality or trait
  • The act or fact of perfecting


  • The quality or state of being perfect or complete, so that nothing substandard remains; the highest attainable state or degree of excellence
  • A quality, endowment, or acquire net completely excellent; an ideal; faultlessness; especially, the divine attribute of complete excellence.

The Elusive Word: Perfection

Like the word average, perfection can be hard to achieve. It’s there, always out of reach to those striving for it. They climb up mountains, stand on their tippy toes, stretching as far as they can just barely nicking it with their fingers, but never really grasping it, holding it, and achieving it.

Image by silviarita from Pixabay

I’m not saying it’s not possible, but I believe it’s all in perspective. It doesn’t matter what I do, I always think there could be something else done, more added, something changed. There is always something to be done to make it better. Eventually, we settle for good enough. You’ve worked on the project for as long as you’re willing and you’ve hit your deadline. It’s the best you’re going to get it. So, how do you reach for perfection and achieve it?

Perfection Can Be Your Worst Enemy

As I mentioned, perfection is strived for, reached for, stretched for. The point is, you continue to keep stretching, reaching, striving for something that may never be achieved, you’ll be there for the rest of your life.

When I think of this, I think of the drawings I’ve done, or even exercising. I never felt like it was ‘complete’. With exercising, I can be exhausted, dripping with sweat and still feel like I could have pushed just a little bit harder, done one more rep. So, where does it end? When is perfection actually achieved?

Creating Perfection

So, how do you achieve perfection? How do you finally grasp that elusive accomplishment so you can rest your toes, your body and your mind?

I’ve been thinking about this and what I’ve discover may surprise you. Have you ever heard someone say, “It’s all in the process…”? Well, I’ve just said it and I believe it’s what you need to achieve perfection.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Don’t focus on the final product or the goal at the end of the tunnel. Focus instead on each step of the process as you’re working through it. Do the best you can while in that step before moving on to the next. Each and every level of the process is important and in need of your direct attention. If you skip a step/level or say it’s good enough to continue, you’ll forever feel like you could have done something more, something better.

What Can Perfection Do For You

If you focus on each aspect or step of the process as you’re moving forward, you can achieve great things. That’s all there is to it. Follow the process you lay out and you’ll always achieve perfection!

How It Can Inspire

Just accomplishing small things can inspire you and those around you. One small step at a time and you can climb mountains, you can defeat your enemies and save the word! There is nothing better than knowing you’ve inspired someone else to chase their dreams, to defeat their demons, to achieve what they previously didn’t believe they could.

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

You just need to follow your heart, find steps and take one at a time. Achieve the lowest step then move up to the next. It’s really that easy. You’re already on your way. You’re reading this blog and with my words have created a thought in your head on how to achieve what you’ve beed desiring to accomplish.

Final Thoughts

It’s not the word that the problem, it’s how we look at it that creates mountains, dragons, and obstacles that keep us from accomplishing what we’ve been striving for. Create a process, take it one step at a time and you’ll find that, that mountain is a lot easier to climb, that dragon is easier to defeat and those obstacles are a synch to overcome.

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