How to Build a Self-care Routine: Part 3 – How to Start

In our previous two posts we talked about the basics of a self-care routine and the set up. In this post Self-care Routine: How to Start, we will be talking about how to start, brainstorming ideas, being consistent, getting organized and staying on track.

If you missed our first two post, you can visit them below.

How to Build a Self-Care Routine: Part 1

How to Build a Self-care Routine: Part 2 -Set Up

Brainstorm Ideas and Write Them Down

Using a sheet of paper, your brain dump page in your bullet journal, or a notebook, write down all the ideas you have for your self-care routine. Make sure your handwriting is legible. Trust me, nothing is more frustrating as when you write so fast you can’t read your own handwriting later on. You can even write them on sticky notes and post them to your wall, if that helps you visualize your list of items. When you are done, decide which self-care items you will definitely be doing in your daily routine.

Brainstorm and Be Consistent

Once you have decided which self-care items you will be adding to your self-care routine. Be sure to actually schedule it into your calendar. It’s harder to miss or skip your self-care if schedule it in. Just don’t make it a habit. Consistency is a big part of making your self-care routine work. Setting reminders and scheduling your self-care routine will help you keep things consistent and organized.

Add Habits, Subtract Habits or Both

It is recommended that you try your routine for a week or two. If you feel after a week or two the self-care item isn’t what you thought you wanted to do, no worries. Change it up, try another self-care element or if you think you love the self-care routine you have going and would like to add another, go for it. Just try not to overdo it. After evaluating your self care schedule, add another element or if you are satisfied, stick with what works for you.

What Makes You Feel Centered?

Your self-care routine is the first step to a more centered life. Adding things you enjoy, things that make you happy, calm and relaxed. Don’t think that just because someone else told you, you should try this specific self-care ritual doesn’t mean you have too. If you don’t like bubble baths, but love swimming, do that. If you absolutely dislike yoga, but love meditating, schedule that in instead. Do not think that you are obligated to do something just because someone else said you should. You do you.

Make the Most of Your Free Time

If you only have your lunch break for free time, take five minutes and meditate in your seat, waiting for your children’s game to start, read a chapter in your book or listen to some calming music for those precious few minutes. You can always fit something in at small intervals throughout the day, but make the most of it.  

Plan for When You Break Your Routine

It’s a good idea to plan the days when you won’t get your self-care in, which should be rare. We all have those days when life catches up to use and you get home late and all you want to is crash in your bed to sleep. So if you know you are going to have those difficult days ahead, plan them out. We all know emergencies happen that you can’t avoid, such as, your boiler leaking water all over your basement and you have to rush home from work to try to get it to stop and spend the rest of the day mopping up water. Yay! (insert eye roll emoji). Just do the best you can and don’t beat yourself up about it.

Examples of Self-care Routine

And Always Remember!

Image by busikind from Pixabay

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