Ins and outs
Reading and writing are a huge part of our lives. If you are an avid reader and/or writer, then even more so.
Words touch our hearts and create emotions on a daily, hourly, or even minute basis. Those you communicate with, those you listen to through audio are all using what comes naturally to anyone who stops to take a moment.
Daily/Weekly Routines
There is always a time when things feel like they are getting out of hand. When things slip through our fingers and fall to the wayside because we've overbooked ourselves or we didn't remember to put it in our schedule.
Business/Home Balance
With anything in life, there comes a time when you need to find balance, whether it's business and home, home and hobbies, business and hobbies, whatever.
Characters as Heroes
When we think of heroes, we have two versions that come to mind... those created by amazingly creative people and those in real life that you may or may not see on TV, Facebook, etc.
What Does it Mean to be a Hero?
The word hero means many things to many people. When we were children a hero could have been those you saw on television with supernatural power (or really cool gadgets).
Summer Plans (You and Your Characters)
Summer is a time of freedom, especially for the younger ones. They look forward to the time away from school, vacations, doing (almost) nothing around the house and just plain having fun.
Organizing Your Novel
Everyone has their own processes and systems for organizing and and keeping things together as they write, but what if you're just starting or are in need of a fresh start with your organizing?
My Progress So Far…
As I like to do every quarter, I like to tell you my progress with each of the things I had planned to get done this year. It keeps me focused and provide me with accountability when I've got others...
(Spring) Break
March and April bring a whole new perspective to the word 'break'. As the days wear on and things are now becoming mundane and ordinary we feel underwhelmed (or overwhelmed)...
Personal/Real Relationships
Relationships are everywhere within your short life, so much so, that you may not realize you even have some. As you go about your day, you're creating them, nurturing them, building them up...
Writing a Romantic Scene/Relationship
It's the month of love and within writing there could be a lot or a little. What do you need for a Romantic Scene and relationship? What do you need to know to make it flow within your story...
Newly Implemented for 2019
With the start of the new year, and as many do, I've decided to implement some new items to my morning and my daily routine. These tools are helping me to keep my life and business organized.
Plans for 2019
I like to tell you my plans for the next year. You can do the same below. I would love to see what your plans are and we can encourage each other to complete our goals for the year.