Why Writing is Important

Writing is an essential skill that helps you in every day life, whether you are writing with pen/pencil on paper or typing something up on a computer. 


Types of Communication: 

  • Letters
  • Notes
  • Memos
  • Articles
  • Blogs

Writing is the most basic form of communication (other than verbal, of course) and connecting with others. It’s how we share our thoughts, feelings, ideas, and more. 

Image by Picography from Pixabay 


To further the connection we have, writing (no matter the form) creates a bond with those we connect with. Sharing interests, likes, dislikes, and more provide a gateway into others lives even if it’s only for a moment. 


Have you ever read a letter, an article, a poem or other piece of writing that inspired you in some way? Or perhaps one that influenced a decision? 

Writing is a powerful tool for getting things out there that you would otherwise not say verbally and who knows who may be needing to read those heartfelt words you once hid inside yourself. 


Writing and thinking skills goes hand in hand. Not only do you have to think about what you write each time you sit down to put words on a pages, it helps with many areas of thinking skills as well. 

Writing is Important
Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay 


In some cases, when you write, you need to be creative in your writing, whether it’s writing fantasy, reports, or even a letter to someone. There are certain ways you want to say something, express something through words that requires a bit of creativity to get down. 

As for the obvious, writing stories and novels, creativity is a given. Nothing speaks to others more than the use of creativity in the written word to keep them turning a page or even invest themselves in a characters. 


As with creativity, imagination is another thinking skill important for writing. Imagination allows you to let loose with words and create/write what’s on your heat. New characters that no one has ever seen before, new lands no ones ever heard before, new presentations and graphs for projects; you name it, your imagination can help in the area you are using your writing skills for. 


Have you or do you keep a journal? Do you write in it every day? What about a personal blog? It takes discipline to keep up with writing on a daily basis. What a bout a to-do list? Grocery list? Or really any other list you may make each day or on specific days. 

It’s not an easy task (well, until you’re used to it) to write in a journal or planner every day. It takes a lot of courage and discipline to keep up with that type of writing. 


I’m sure you have or even want to have an organized life. Most make a plan on how to keep things organized, then they put that plan in place, whether it’s keeping track of things on a computer, in each room of a house, or within your business. Those to-do lists work within this category as well. Would you be as organized about your tasks if you didn’t? Probably not. 


Though we have all tried and failed to tell how our friends and family are saying things through text at times. Expression in writing helps those who need a release from the real word. Poems, stories, songs; they all express feelings about someone or something within their words. 

Express through writing
Image by lisa runnels from Pixabay 

Have you ever read a story that made you laugh until you cried? Read a poem that made you cry buckets of tears? Heard a song that touched your soul? Those that express their thoughts and feelings through words, inspire and encourage our everyday life. Without writing, it would be difficult to enjoy the works of others. 

What about you? Have you ever written about your worries and fears? In a journal perhaps? Or over a message to a friend? It may not be easy to get those words out, but you expressing those fears and worries on paper or talking with someone even over text, can help lower their impact. So, start writing!


Continued writing can indeed improve your writing and vocabulary skills. Learning how to word things properly in order to get the meaning down is imperative for life. You who trues their best to relay information for someone to decode, only to have them take the message the wrong way is down right devastating at times. Though, if a little effort is added to your writing and you search for the right word or phrase, you are not only saving yourself from disaster, you are learning how to word things differently for future use. Good for you!


Our history has been written down to provide future generation a glimpse into the past. A written account of things that happened and when so we as future generations can learn from their mistakes and celebrate their successes. 

Image by Walkerssk from Pixabay 

If there was no record of what happened years ago, there would be less advancement, less jobs because we would have no history for us to learn from and no reason to celebrate the many holidays we have in existence. Though these things could have been told through verbal stories, but things tend to be forgotten which is the reason we write them down. 

Revel in our history, because if we didn’t learn from those who came before, life would be much different than it is today. 


You didn’t realize I’d be putting you on the spot in this post, did you? Well, it won’t be embarrassing, I promise. 

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay 

My point with this is that you are like no one else. You write like you, I write like me and even though I’m a twin even she writes completely different from me. No two people are alike, similar, maybe, but not exactly alike. So, you keep writing like you and enjoy the words you’ve written and are going to write. 


Writing is all around you, whether you are doing the writing or others have/are. It’s important for communication, thinking, expression, history and more. 

What are you going to write next? 

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