Video Games and Art

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The Many Forms and Mediums of Art

There are so many forms of art that it’s sometimes hard to differentiate what is and what isn’t. What some would consider art, others would consider garbage, chicken scratches, or just a weird collection of shapes. The perspective is on what and how you see it.

Nowadays, art is being created on iPads and computers with the use of different digital brushes; when before you were required to learn the techniques passed down through the ages with charcoal, clay, paints and more. Though those techniques are still used, some have moved onto a more digital aspect.

It’s really amazing how far we’ve come to be able to create so many things in so many ways to please those who love original brushstrokes on canvas and those who feel comfortable with digital.

Below are some of the arts we know and love.

The Visual Arts

Image by Akarsh Mittal from Pixabay 

Things you can see and touch (if permitted). Creation like sculptures, photography, architecture, film, ceramics, and drawings are all visual arts. They have captured life, fantasy, emotion, and more in the depths of their strokes and images.

We learn from the greats and put our own spin on it to create something unique. Something unique to us that others could find inspiring, motivating, and moving. Even within the industrial sector you’ll find architecture that is beautifully crafted and aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

The Literary Arts

Image by Roma Kuznetsov from Pixabay

Also, things you can see in the form of words on paper/computer, but nonetheless inspiring in its interpretation. Poetry, Fiction, Drama, and Prose are all there to move, excite, delight. Not only are you able to read the works of others, you are able to imagine, gain experience, learn from, and find a soul like yours.

With each word, each adventure, each journey and how to, the words on the page move us to better ourselves. They allow us to escape our daily lives, connect in a way that only words can, and teach us something we didn’t know before. There are so many out there a quick search online or at your library will being you more than you can dream.

The Performing Arts

Image by marcelkessler from Pixabay 

Dance, Music, and Theatre; three things that bring back your days in high school drama, but as with the rest, these are considered art in their own way.

I can’t say I was ever interested in these when I was young, music yes, but dance and theatre, not so much. These, like the other evoke emotion, a sense of freedom to be who you want and dream of better things.

Music touches the soul, which in some cases creates movement and a story that can be connected together to create wonder, romance, adventure and more. When putting the three together, they become even more powerful, evoking most of the senses and emotions within.

The Culinary Arts

Now I don’t know many people who wouldn’t go for a delicious piece of chocolate or a nice glass of wine once in a while. Cooking, chocolate making and winemaking are all within the culinary arts.

Whether you like wine, chocolate, pastries, cakes, or cookies; baking and cooking are an art all on their own. I have no talent in these areas, but I have family who are and they love it. The concentration that goes into making some of these things is amazing. You are essentially creating a masterpiece when cooking any of those in my opinion.

We could spend all day discussing the different mediums specifics and the differences between canvas and digital art, but that’s not why we are here. We are here to discuss video games, which of course I love, so let’s get to it.

Controversy of Video Game Art

The discussion of Video Games as art has received mixed reviews. Though there are clear aspects of art within the game itself, there is no one owner of the game and that seems to be where the controversy comes into play.

You can’t deny that there are many forms of art that go into the creation of a video game: Visuals (landscape, characters, weapons, clothes, and more), Stories, Music, and more.

If you think about it, a video game combines nearly every form of art there is, but more on that below.

Inspiration Behind Art

When those that see art like sculptures, paintings, and drawings; they look to see what the creator of the piece may have been thinking and what emotions are evoked by the viewer. Everyone has a different view of what they see on the canvas. You have to see it for yourself to decipher what you see and feel when you look at the piece.

Those who create art get their inspiration from many areas: Family/people, Nature, Religion, Animals, Experiences and more. They pull from those what they see and recreate it in a way they see or feel would appeal to the public or at the time, themselves.

The great thing about being a creative is that inspiration comes from literally anywhere. Even the smallest seed can be inspiring to some if they take the time to see it. There is a wonderful quote by Leonardo Di Vinci about this.

“The Artist sees what others only catch a glimpse of.” ~ Leonardo Di Vinci

Inspiration Behind Video Game Art

It’s hard to pinpoint the inspiration behind video games unless they specifically take after a movie, but that’s just one basis of inspiration behind them. As with other arts, inspiration comes from nearly everywhere. The only difference is that you are working with a group of creators rather than just your own creative musings.

Honestly, this comes in handy when they are having an issue with an area and you can get thoughts and suggestions from the rest of the group. Someone may come up with a fantastic idea that they would not have come up with.

Why They Work Together

If you take the time to break down the different aspects and what it takes to create a video game, you would see nearly every other form of art within it.

One such game that does a great job at this is Zelda: Breath of the Wild. If we break it down you will see visuals and not just in what you are seeing as a whole on the screen.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild – Nintendo Switch
  • The architecture of the buildings, both standing and in ruin.
  • Sculptures litter the world – not to mention that some physically create a sculpture of the characters to get a sense of who they are and help with animation.
  • Photography/Drawings are littered throughout the world as you travel within buildings, the castle and new areas.
  • You see film in the form of cutscenes throughout the game
  • Ceramics: Well, how else is he supposed to find gems and other goods. There are vases, bottles, bowls and more littered throughout the world to find.
  • Besides the fact that you find a library within the castle, you also find pages of books around for you to find within that library.
  • The lines of dialog are it’s own form of prose and poetry.
  • The music within the game is known by many as it has been passed down from game to game throughout the years. Even if it is altered a bit here and there, it’s unmistakable.
  • If you remember and have played the game, you’ll remember there is a specific mission where you have to find items for a young group of Rito children. You must find items for them in order for them to all meet for a performance they are practicing for.
  • Do I even have to mention the food you create in the cooking pots scattered throughout the world. Every one may not be a masterpiece, but the fact that you cook food to create dishes to eat is creative and intuitive to real life.

Final Thoughts

Video Games may not have it’s own category of art, but it can contain so many forms that it’s impossible not to consider it a form of art in my opinion.

What do you think? Would you consider video games a form of art or is this just to mind boggling for you to even fathom?

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