Video Game Inventory Storage in Popular Games

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One of the best things within video games is the amount of things you can carry with you on a trip. Really, if you were to see these characters with all the things they can carry within their satchels and pack inventory, they would fall over within a few steps. The joys of the video game world I guess.

Note: There is a fantastic artist who created these exact images on her instagram and I just love them! Visit Linda Bouderbala’s images here!

What is a Game Inventory System?

A game inventory system is a game mechanic in which the player character can equip, carry or discard items they collect or use as the game progresses.

These can be a limited inventory which helps to keep the player focused on the object of the game and visualize what’s been collected while discouraging from collecting an unlimited amount. This encourages exploration to find rare items/weapons. They can also be unlimited; allowing to you carry as many of each items as you want or need to be prepared for. Then there are games with a little of both. You can carry a certain number of weapons and armor, but unlimited number of other items.

The type of game can give you some advantages over game opponents (like RPG) as you can collect items easier. While other types (Action games) provide special abilities or powers to progress through the game.

Now that we have that out of the way. Let’s get down to the stats:

Infinite Satchel/Pack Inventory

There are a few games that give you an infinite number of items to collect and you have all the space in the world to keep them. Where is the question, but know that you have an unlimited number of items when you need it.

Graham (Kings Quest)

Image Credit: Sierra Games

Now I know there’s more than one King’s Quest out there, but I’m talking about the reboot series that was released in 2015 and developed by The Odd Gentleman. Graham, the main character, travels to Daventry to compete for the title of King, since the current kind has no heir and is ill.

Throughout the game you realize just how many pockets his mother sewed into his cape. Storing things like gardening tools and even a person at one point into his many pockets!

Upgradeable Satchel/Pack Inventory

Some games allow you to upgrade your pack to provide more space as you progress through the game. This helps immensely when you are hesitant to drop a specific weapon or item to replace it with another. Even though some inventory space is limited (upgradeable), others space is unlimited such as food and unique items.

Link (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has a unique setup. There is nothing quite like traveling throughout the world and having the ability to collect anything and everything you find. Though there are some restrictions with how many weapons and armor you can hold, you have an infinite amount of items you can hold within the game.

Upgrades are available to gain more pace in your pack for weapons and armor throughout the game, but you have quite a few to begin with and dropping duplicates isn’t a problem in the early stages of the game. Any items you pick up like food and things will be added to your pack automatically.

World of Warcraft

Though World of Warcraft is really popular, I have yet to convince my husband to let me get it. He thinks I’ll spend all my time on my computer. (Now, who would do that 😉 )

Anyway, from what I’ve seen this is an impressive inventory that just seems to get larger as you play, adding more spots as you collect items and use them. Who wouldn’t want unlimited inventory when you’re further in the game and have tones of items and weapons to choose from.

Main Satchel/Pack Inventory with Extras

These games have a main pack they carry, but have, in one way or anther, a way of accessing more through the provided menus or locations within the game.

Ratchet and Clank

Within the Ratchet and Clank franchise, they’ve kept the same type of quick select wheel. You are able to select the weapons and tools you use the most in any specific area. You do have access to all of your weapons and items in the inventory menu to change out weapons and tools as needed.

Aloy (Horizon: Forbidden West)

With Forbidden West being the second game in the series (and it looks like more to come), there have been a few updates to how Aloy can handle her items, weapons, armor and more. Of course you still have the inventory menu as you did in Zero Dawn, but now you are able to continue to collect items to your hearts content, placing them in your “Stash” for later use.

Each town you visit has a stash for you to replenish your pack and continue on your way. Though I really enjoyed the expanded weapon wheel in this one, it was a bit jarring to try and figure out the use of inventory and stash, since you have both and when you move things around, to know where they are.



Minecraft, with its many items and variants has one of the most extensive Inventories I’ve seen yet. No matter what you collect, your items are kept in your inventory and you can have as many as your heart desires to build with and use. From blocks of material, to windows, doors, trees, plants, a never ending bucket of water and more. There are 36 main spots in your inventory and everything else is kept in a chest that is accessible through the same menu to use as you see fit.

This allows you to build to your hearts content, while exploring Survival mode to collect your times or creative mode where you have all your items. It’s up to you whether you want to follow the story or just build.

Assassin’s Creed

Assassin’s Creed is now becoming one of my favorite games (Other than Horizon: ZD & FW). Any item, weapon or clothing you purchase, find or acquire within this game is yours to keep. You just need to be in the ships cabin to change anything or writing a towns general store or harbourmaster.

Pokemon Sword and Shield

As they say, you ‘can catch them all’ in Pokemon: Sward and Pokemon: Shield, you just need boxes to hold them all. At least to store all but the six you keep with you as part of your team.

The good news, every other item you pick up can be collected and accessed whenever you need.

Game Based Inventory Systems

Resident Evil 4 (Tetris Storage)

Though I haven’t played Resident Evil, I have seen the storage space it contains and with some finagling, you can get what you need into the open space you have. This storage is like a whole other game within the game as you must rearrange your items to fit more within the space. It’s like the ultimate game of Tetris for storage!

Minimal/Capped Satchel/Pack Inventory

Aloy (Horizon: Zero Dawn)

Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition_20220522112253

Your inventory in Horizon: Zero Dawn is limited until you craft upgrades for them, but once you’ve upgraded, you only have what is allotted for space. Once that space is used, you’ll have to drop something to make room. Though once you upgrade most sections, you shouldn’t have to much trouble keeping what you want and letting go of the rest.

For things like flowers and wood for arrows, those take up space in your resources. Medicinal plants and rocks are kept in your D-pad storage and only hold a certain amount before you must find more to use. The good news is that you can upgrade those as well so you can hold more at a time, but there is a cap to how much you can hold and how much sustaining life you can gain.

Weight Based Inventory

Skyrim V

Skyrim Screenshot

Within Skyrim, you are able to collect as many things as you want, if you want to be as slow as a turtle walking across a road. This inventory is based on carry-able weight, the heavier it is the slower your character well run/walk.

This can cause some frustration as you decide what is needed and what you can get rid of or when you pick up one thing and end up dropping multiple just to keep it. Having a weight limit makes this game more realistic as a real person cannot carry so many things without having trouble.

No Satchel/Pack to Small Inventory


Though Mario has expanded as they years have gone on. When you first begin playing the games, you have no inventory whatsoever. In order to get anything, you must find them within the level and use them when you find them.

Then they decided to allow you to hold one item in a box at the top of the screen which would drop down when you needed it. As the games progressed, you were then able to hold more items and use them as you wished, but that really depends on the game itself. Some allow an inventory while others don’t.

Whether your looking for a challenge in inventory or want a small one, you can have your choice when deciding which Super Mario game to choose from.

Final Thoughts

There are so many more games with different types of inventory, these are a few I’m familiar with. It’s interesting what you can do with some inventory systems, and not with others. Smaller ones provide more of a challenge as do ones with limited space. What are some interesting inventory systems you’ve come across as you play? Give yours in the comments.

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