World Building in Video Games
When you play video games, do you notice the world around your character as you play? Of course you do! It’s the base of the whole game, the foundation on which your character and story stand. World building in video games is essential when creating a game just as it is when writing novels.
Creative Organization
We, as creatives have so many ideas and thoughts, it’s nearly impossible to keep them all straight sometimes. In order to, well keep order in our lives, we need systems and organization. This organization goes beyond just setting up a workspace, it will allow you to save, access, and work more efficiently; getting more done and less time wondering what happened and where the time went.
Routines & Habits
Routines, and habits have been our go-to when we are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and unable to keep things under control. We create these routines and habits to provide some order in our lives and give us some peace of mind as we go about our day.
Workspace Cleaning
It's spring and most are beginning to clean out their homes, garages, sheds and more. What we'll be focusing on here is cleaning your workspace.