7 Back To School Tips For First Time Homeschool Parents
That first decision to bring your children home and teach them is not an easy one to make. Im sure you debated about it for days, weeks, or even months whether homeschooling would be best. Then as you work through school planning, curriculum choice, supplies, field trips, and more, you start wondering if this really was a good idea.
Routines & Habits
Routines, and habits have been our go-to when we are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and unable to keep things under control. We create these routines and habits to provide some order in our lives and give us some peace of mind as we go about our day.
Gain & Maintain Productive Processes
Being productive and keeping momentum go hand in hand as you work through your tasks and goals each day. You can't have one without the other as your productivity depends on your momentum and determination to get things done. The problem is how to we gain or maintain productivity in order to keep the momentum going as it should? Let's take a look as some solutions to this problem.
Business/Home Balance
With anything in life, there comes a time when you need to find balance, whether it's business and home, home and hobbies, business and hobbies, whatever.
A Day in the Life
I’ve decided to give you a rundown of my day. Winter vs. Summer since those are the two basic seasons for me or I should say School vs Summer. We are currently experiencing winter (school) so I will start there.