How to Organize Your Office Space Efficiently
As we may have mentioned before, your office is the hub of your home. It's where all things for your home and possibly your business are located, kept, and stored. It's even where things go that may not go in your office, but no one seems to know the home of the item except for you.
How to Organize Your Writing for Ease and Clarity
Organizing anything can be a bit daunting, whether it's your house, your computer, or your life. But what about your writing? How do you organize all of your writing tidbits and keep things so they are efficient and easy to find? Well, it may not seem easy at first, but with a little effort and a plan you can achieve an organized writing life.
Organize Games and Accessories
When organizing your game room there are some things to think about, we’ll touch on a few here, but I have a post specifically for setting up your game room here. Take a look.
Gain & Maintain Productive Processes
Being productive and keeping momentum go hand in hand as you work through your tasks and goals each day. You can't have one without the other as your productivity depends on your momentum and determination to get things done. The problem is how to we gain or maintain productivity in order to keep the momentum going as it should? Let's take a look as some solutions to this problem.
Workspace Cleaning
It's spring and most are beginning to clean out their homes, garages, sheds and more. What we'll be focusing on here is cleaning your workspace.
A Day in the Life
I’ve decided to give you a rundown of my day. Winter vs. Summer since those are the two basic seasons for me or I should say School vs Summer. We are currently experiencing winter (school) so I will start there.