Principles of Leaving No Trace in the Outdoors

We all love to be outdoors in the wide openness of nature, but most of us don’t keep nature clean when we move on and go back to our everyday lives. These principles of leaving no trace in the outdoors will help you take care of our planet and the wilderness.

What is Leave No Trace?

Leave No Trace

Leave no Trace is when you leave a place cleaner and better than when you arrived. You want to make sure all your trash and belongings are pick up and placed in the proper place. Trash is in the trash receptacles and your belongings on your or in your vehicle to go home with you.

The Leave No Trace organization was started in 1994 and has been going strong ever sense. Teaching kids and adults alike the importance of protecting our lands and our environment. Teaching people to clean up after themselves and to make it a habit whenever you are out and about.

Why Do we use Leave No Trace

We help clean up our planet because if we didn’t, what would it become? A giant trash heap. We clean up after ourselves to keep the plant and wildlife safe. The oceans clear of debris and the woodlands clear of destruction. Even little things can cause problems. Cluttered trails and damaging fires can cause a world of hurt for the woodlands and the animals. So make sure you keep things clear and your fires are completely out.

The Principles of Leave No Trace in the outdoors

According to the Principles of Leave No Trace were provided as a framework for visiting the outdoors. Beginning in a backcountry setting, Leave No Trace has been modified for anywhere you may go.

Plan Ahead and Prepare

Planning ahead and preparing for your trip helps you stay ahead of the weather and any other mishaps that may happen. Prepare keeps you and everyone safe, minimizes the damage of resources, and helps you learn. Make sure you have all the equipment and means necessary for your trip to go as smoothly as possible.

Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces

Trails and camping areas are there for a reason. To keep you safe and the land and wildlife safe. Don’t stray from your path, it could cause major damage to the vegetation, or you could become lost and not find your way. Know the ground you are walking on, whether dirty, gravel, sand, snow, mud or some other form, make sure you have the right shoes and equipment to walk or climb with.

Dispose of your waste

Make sure you dispose of your waste, not only your garbage, but human waste properly. Some places have special containers for you to put your human waste in to keep it out of waterways. You can dispose of your human waste in the ground by making a hole big enough and far enough away from your water source and coving it properly. For more information visit Other waste such as garbage and debris should be placed in the correct receptacles.

Leave What You Find

You don’t want to alter the site you are visiting, so leave it the way you found it, or better then you found it. It’s kind of like Kindness Rocks, you want to leave them where you found them so others can enjoy them. The same concept works here. Don’t disturb the wildlife and keep the way it is for everyone to enjoy.

Minimize Campfires

Instead of using a campfire, which is the traditional way of cooking your meals, is to use a camping stove, which Leaves No Trace. Although a campfire is great, you have to make sure you have the firewood to keep one going. Also, make sure that if there is a campfire sing in your camping area, use it, and make sure your fire is completely out before walking away from it. Use water to put your fire out completely.

Respect the Wildlife

Do not disturb the wildlife and the plants. You can observe them and learn more about them, but keep your distance. It is a danger to you and to the wildlife. You should never feed or try to pick a wild animal. It not only stresses out he animal, but can put you in more danger than you expect. If you find a sick or wounded animal call the authorities, do not try to take care of it yourself.

Be considerate to other visitors

When visiting the outdoors, you want to listen to nature and enjoy the peace and tranquil sounds. Being obnoxious and destructive take you away from what nature has to offer. Be considerate of others visiting the area. Wear earbuds when listening to music, is a way to not disturb others, just make you can still hear them if you need too.

Where can we use Leave No Trace?

The great thing about Leave No Trace is you can use it anywhere. Camping, hiking, on a picnic, in your backyard, almost anywhere you go you can use Leave no Trace. We use this while camping, we will have the kids line up and walk the campsite making sure we picked up everything and everything is in it’s proper place. We also do this while indoors at my work. if we use another building’s room, we will all walk the room making sure everything is where is should be.

I hope the next time you are outdoors or even indoors, you will consider using Leave No Trace and if you would like more information, please visit

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