Poetry and Video Games

Photo by Aline Viana Prado from Pexels

You may think that poetry and video games don’t mix. They are two totally different medias not meant to mingle, but it may surprise you by how much they work together. If you really think about it, I bet you’ve come across some sort of poem while playing a video game and may not have even realized it. As inspiration comes from the smallest to the largest instrument, video games too have been inspiring to the other arts.

Whether to convey a clue, plot point or just to exist as something to locate within the game land, poems have graced the digital world with their own poetry.

Video Games as Poetic Inspiration

With the use of Euphrates, or the practice of writing based on a piece of art, video games are used as a tool for the creation of poems. Whether the game is linear or open world, poets have found both to be inspiring to their work.

Image by Thought Catalog from Pixabay

Poetry is a tool to relay information in a rhythmic form to convey the smallest details, sights, sounds, and more. The image painted through words, those experiences of digital games provides an outlet for those who loves games but want to get their thoughts out in verse.

From worlds and landscapes to objects and items, poetry embodies many aspects of the gaming world. The beauty of graphics and art within the games, many have gone to video games to escape into another world, bringing that world alive through the use of other medias is a great compliment to the game designers and programmers. Their games have inspired others to use different media to embody their perception of the piece.

Sites that offer some great Video Game Poems to check out:





Video games carry the character (player) through it’s won story with it’s own background and backstory. They contain their own cultures, subcultures, and mythologies to explore. So, why not a little poetry as well?

Within the next section I’ll list games for you to explore that contain some form of poetry within its digital world.

  • Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • Final Fantasy VII
  • Super Mario
  • Fallout 3
  • The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
  • Mass Effect 2
  • Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Games Based on Poems

If you’re interest is peaked, consider playing games based on poems I’ve got a few for you to try:

  • Odyssey: The Search for Ulysses
  • Page of Mythology
  • Total War Saga: Troy
  • Warriors: Legend of Troy
  • Wishbone: And the Amazing Odyssey
  • Age of Paladins
  • Dantes Inferno

Final Thoughts

Though many feel that video games are not any sort of art, while others feel that it is definitely a form of art. Well, now we’ve seen poetry interweaved within the digital world of video games. Take a look and see what you find with any of the games listed to see the poems within. Have fun!

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