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With NaNoWriMo just around the corner, many are looking for motivation to get started writing, continue writing, or to even come up with an idea for their project. Today I’d like to go through some ways you can gain motivation for your writing.
But first… you know me, let’s take a look at the word Motivation.
- The reason for people’s actions, desires, and needs
- One’s direction to behavior
- What causes a person to want to repeat a behavior
- Providing with a reason to act in a certain way
- The reason one has for acting or behaving in a particular way
- The general desire or willingness of someone to do something.
Motivation may come as inspiration from others, events, or from within you as an individual. In fact, I believe the words inspiration and motivation are connected since inspiration can create motivation.
If you are looking for motivation, you may need to find what inspires you to get that motivation.
So, let’s take a look at what we can find…
Other People
Family and Friends
- Your family and friends can be very supportive if they are inclined to be so. They can be encouraging, give you ideas, and provide the support you need to get through tough times.
- Some may even be willing to provide assistance with thoughts on your work, providing insight and suggestions for your work as beta readers and reviewers.
- If you have that, you are one step ahead of the crowd and I say congratulations.
- Though they have their issues, they provide mentorship and encouragement by what they do to help others. (Let’s not focus on the other crap they do, shall we?)
- Helping to entertain the sick, donate to those in need, and more create the image we search for in people of such wealth and station.

- As with other celebrities, actors/actresses also provide mentorship, encouragement, and proof that dreams of being on the big screen can be accomplished. Their success at creating characters we hate and love encourage us to emulate similar characteristics within our own characters and writing.
- Whether it be pirates, aliens, those with powers or ordinary people, there are aspects we as authors are able to draw from to create well rounded characters of our own. Watch your favorite movies and really pay attention to the characters, settings, emotions they evoke as you watch and you’ll see that you can learn quite a bit from them.
Business People
- There are so many successful people that can provide a word of advice, encouragement, or inspiration that have successfully gained the status of entrepreneur, business owner, or author.
- Some are even willing to speak about their success and motivate others to do the same. Listen to those who came before, learn from their success and their mistakes. Create connections that will help you on your journey as a writer. You never know when you’re going to need further research on a doctor, bus driver, theater attendant, or baker.
Electronic Visuals
- What could be better inspiration and motivation than those from the creative minds of others. The characters, settings, emotions that are evoked within the epic battles, journeys, and actions in films are all things that create inspiration within people. Providing motivation to continue with your projects once you’re mind is full of new ideas and materials.
- Movies provide you with every aspect of a story in visual form. Watch your favorites to gain what is needed to complete your current work in progress or finally get started.
TV Shows
- Like Movies, these provide more on series inspirations, character development, settings, conflicts and more. Providing more insight to inner turmoil, setting changes, and more. There is so much you can get from watching series on tv that your motivation is just a button away.
- Go ahead and binge watch your favorite series, but don’t forget to actually use the information you’re gaining from them and get some words down. You’ll never get that book done if you’re constantly watching the television.
YouTube Videos
- Need a bit more one on one motivation? There are plenty of videos on YouTube that can provide you with motivational stimuli. Just search for a word or phrase and choose from the videos provided to view what others have to say. Learning, listening or even creating your own videos can provide all the motivation you need to create that story you’ve been striving to complete.
Other Forms of Motivation
Nature/Everyday Locations
- As with anything else; nature can calm, inspire, and even motivate you to complete your manuscript. Other locations can provide what you need for settings. The sounds, sights, and even smells can give you everything you need for your story. It can also provide a way to relax and clear your mind to focus on what you need in order to find that special something for you, whether its in a quiet space or crowded mall. You know you, so do what feels best.
- If you’ve read anything else from me, you know I love going to renaissance fairs. Not only are they full of inspiration, you can always find something there not just by the performers, but those just like you. They love to stay within character and can provide the inspiration you need to get things done. And if you’re like me, it’s motivation enough to be able to gain enough money to go and see all the wonderful acts, characters, even the environment of the fair.
- Sports event, hobbies, and others will provide aspects that can be useful within the story you are working on. Sports events, conferences, and more provide settings, conflict, entertainment, interaction with others, and more to gain ideas for your work.
- When fights break out, those who propose in the crowds, or emotions of those around you cheering for teams or performers can provide so many aspects of your story, you just need to look to see what is there for the taking.
Every Day Life
- What is something you need either for fun or for business/writing. Use that item as inspiration to get done what you planned to accomplish. A new computer, awesome accessory, or other item can be all the motivation you need to complete your goals.
QwertyWriter Keyboard by QwerkyWriter.com
- What is something you don’t exactly need, but really want to have? Use that as motivation to complete what you need to get done. Keep it posted somewhere where you can see it every day. Visuals are great for keeping things in your mind fresh. Work your way to accomplishment, then reward yourself with that item when you accomplish your goals.
- If you have children and/or significant other, they can provide all the motivation you need. If you want to make them proud, wish to provide an income for them/help provide income, or just want to show them you can accomplish your goal, they can be exactly what you need to push yourself to get it done.
- You can pull aspects from your environment as motivation. Where you want to live, the perfect house, and more. If you want to do better than you are or have better than you have, this could also provide motivation to gain what your heart desires.
Do you need motivation? Take a look around you and your life as a whole, you may be surprised by what you find that could proved motivation for your writing.
What motivates you?