Level 10 Life

The year coming to a close, and as we begin to look back and evaluate how we have lived the last year of our life. We look at how much time we spent with family member, how our finances are, and where we are in our job or career. Using a Level 10 Life strategy from Hal Elrod’s book The Miracle Morning, you can track curtains areas of your life.

What is Level 10 Life

Level 10 Life is a way to measure your success in 10 different areas of your life according to you. You can get a better understanding of how you feel about certain areas of your life, and create goals to get all the areas to a level 10. However, it is hard to get all your areas to a level 10 so we suggest you just get them all to an equal level.

Areas of Level 10 Life

The original areas of the Level 10 Life are the following:

Related to You

  • Friends and Family – With the way the world is today, it’s hard to keep in contact with your loved ones. Try to stay in contact even if it’s just a phone call, or video chat. It will make you and your friends and family feel so much better. For example, I don’t get to see one of my sister’s now that she moved away. We love writing to each other and waiting for that next letter in the mail is exciting to us.
  • Personal Development – This could be your personal and mental growth as a person.
  • Spirituality – This can be about your religious spiritual aspect or it can mean finding peace within yourself by meditating or some other form.
  • Finances – Being financial content is a hard thing to do now a days, but it isn’t unobtainable, you just have to work at it. Having stability in your money and investments is a great feeling.
  • Careers – Look at where your career is, are you happy in your current job or do you dread going to work every day? Are you always stress out all the time? Use this to make goals to achieve a better career, one you will enjoy and be happy with.
  • Health and Fitness – This is equally as important. Keeping your body fit and healthy will make you feel better and have more energy to get through the day. Even a 10-15 minute workout in the mornings will get you moving, awake, and ready to start the day.
  • Romance – Some have changed this to “Marriage” or “Relationships” because some people aren’t in a romantic relationship, but this can help the people who are. Take a look at your relationship and see where you are in it, if it needs improvement, or if you think your relationship is doing well.

Related to Other Aspects

  • Fun and Recreation – This should be self-explanatory. How often do you get outside, go out with friends and having a good time, or just relaxing at home? Are you always telling everyone you can’t, you have too much to do, or you don’t have the time. This is your change to evaluate your social life and get out more often. Sometimes you just need time to relax and reboot. In other words, the body and mind can only take so much before it needs rest and relaxation.
  • Giving and Contribution – We you think of giving most people think they have to give financially, but that’s not the care. You can always help out at a soup kitchen, a retirement home or even at your kids school. Also, volunteering your time is sometimes better than a financial contribution. Also, you can make some awesome new friends!
  • Physical Environment – Making sure your home and office are neat and organized is a big help. No wants the physical space where they live or work to be clutter and messy.


To create a Level 10 Life, you will need a few supplies.

  1. Journal or notebook – Any journal or notebook will do.
  2. Pen – I suggest a non-bleed pen. You don’t want ink going onto your other pages.
  3. Ruler – Depending on which type you create a ruler will come in handy.
  4. Marker, Colored Pencils or Crayons – If using markers, again, we suggest using non-bleed markers.
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Types of Set Up

There are different ways you can set up your Level 10 Life. The most common is the circular version, but here are several others versions. Some examples are a square version, a grid or bar graph version or you can be creative and use flowers with the petals being the levels. You can create a Level 10 Life layout with anything that has 10 levels to it.

Steps to Level 10 Life

  1. Give and honest assessment of your current life situation
  2. Record your findings on your Level 10 Life layout
  3. Set goals to improve the levels in the areas that need improvement.
  4. Reassess your current Level 10 Life every 3-6 months and adjust

This helped me see where I was at in my life and where I needed to take more time to improve in certain areas. Reevaluating helps me stay on track and to see how my progress is going. Try it out and see if it helps you!

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