
Laughter is an every day part of our lives, whether it’s giant belly laughs with friends or small, barely audible ones you hide from your co-workers so they can’t hear you. They can come from anywhere and are known to have many benefits.

But first…


  1. the action or sound of laughing.
  2. an inner quality, mood, disposition, etc., suggestive of laughter; mirthfulness: a man of laughter and goodwill.
  3. an expression or appearance of merriment or amusement.
  4. Archaic . an object of laughter; subject or matter for amusement.


  1. The sound of laughing, produced by air so expelled; any similar sound. quotations 
  2. A movement (usually involuntary) of the muscles of the laughing face, particularly of the lips, and of the whole body, with a peculiar expression of the eyes, indicating merriment, satisfaction or derision, and usually attended by a sonorous and interrupted expulsion of air from the lungs. quotations
  3. (archaic)A reason for merriment.

Types of Laughter

Image by Galina Bogdanovskaya from Pixabay 

 You may not be aware, but there are many types of laughter and I’ll touch on them briefly.

Nervous Laughter

I bet you can guess this one. There’s not much explaining to it. It’s the laugh you perform when your nervous and your not sure if you’re supposed to laugh or comment. It’s a way we cover awkward silence or embarrassment. When was the last time you chuckled or laughed at something that was said without knowing how to respond.

Silent/Internal Laughter

You’ll know this one as well. It’s those laughs you keep inside or hide from others. Example: You’re at work and you’ve decided to bring up Facebook or YouTube and view some funny cat videos just to give your brain a break. You don’t want anyone to know what your up to so you keep your laughter hidden and silent. Or you didn’t find something as funny as someone else and you just give a small chuckle to be polite.

Belly/snorting Laughter

Yep, you know this one too. You know that one person who is outrageously loud and obnoxious when they laugh? That’s a belly laugh and if you haven’t experienced one, then you are totally missing out!This laugh comes when you are at your most relaxed and your body is willing to let everything out when you find something hilarious. Go on, try it sometime.

Contagious Laughter

This is what happens when you get together with your siblings or best friends. One of you laughs and the rest follow. You can’t help it, but laugh when others around you find something funny.

Cruel Laughter

We all know what this is, right? When you laugh at someone else’s expense. When someone does something to another to make themselves feel like they are more powerful and you laugh at their antics. As it states, it cruel and childish.

Some you may not know about are as follows…

Etiquette Laughter

This is where you laugh to show respect for another. It’s usually forced, but no one ever calls you on it because you’re trying to show your respect for the person who is trying to make you laugh.

Canned Laughter

These are laughs you hear on TV shows and commercials. It’s recorded laughter used to be inserted at a specific time during the production to elicit laughter from the audience. Have you ever laughed at a specific spot in a show because you heard others laughing? Yep, that’s it.

Benefits of Laughter

Image by AV_Photographer from Pixabay

 Laughing is proven to provide many benefits to the human body. Below are some of them.


  • Boost Immune System
  • Deminishes Pain
  • Relaxes Muscles
  • Aid Circulation
  • Protects Against Heart Desease

Mental Health

  • Lowers Anxiety
  • Releases Tension
  • Improves Mood
  • Foster’s Resilience

Social Experience

  • Strenghtens Relationships
  • Helps Defuse Conflict
  • Allows People to Operate as a Team

How to Find Laughter

Image by Martin Hradil from Pixabay 

 There are many ways find laughs if you take the time to look for it. Here are some ways to find them around you.

  • Smile, you never know where laughter will come from.
  • Watch Funny Shows
  • Read Jokes or Comics
  • Check out bookstores for something humrous
  • Go to a Comedy Club
  • Do Something Silly
  • Make time for fun activities
  • Games with friends and family
  • Play with pets/children
  • Gravetate toward the humorous

Now for some fun!

Things You May Not Know…

  1. People are 30 times more likely to laugh while in groups than alone.
  2. Rats are ticklish
  3. It’s hard to catch your breath while laughing because your diaphragm spasms
  4. Your brain can tell the difference between deliberate and unintentional laughter, it’s impossible for you to surprise your own brain
  5. Laughter is contagious
  6. Tickling and laughing is a form of communication between parents and children
  7. People you know are funnier
  8. Laughter requires precise timing – comedians do this very well
  9. Laughing is attractive
  10. You are almost guaranteed to laugh watching someone else try to fight laughing

Now that you’ve gained so much information on laughter, go out and enjoy the benefits of laughter in your own life.

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