Kitty Cocktails and Chocolate Covered Strawberries

As summer gets closer and planning for parties in the back yard begin, we always seem to forget that there might be young ones coming over. So we decided to make a menu just for the kids. All of our children love strawberries, especially if they gather them fresh and what better way to eat a strawberry than to cover it in chocolate and wash it down with a kitty cocktail. The perfect fruity drink for the kids.

Chocolate Covered Strawberries

This sweet, juicy goodness can be enjoyed anytime of the year. Whether at a family function or for your own individual guilty pleasure. These delicious chocolatey deserts will make your mouth water.

Here is an easy recipe for chocolate covered strawberries from

Image by Omi Sido from Pixabay

Kitty Cocktails

This sweet carbonated drink is perfect for the little ones. With only two ingredients, you can make your children feel included with a special drink of there own.

Pairing these with chocolate covered strawberries gives a sweet chocolatey carbonated mixture of deliciousness just in time for the summer.

Photo from

Try this delectable pair at your next family gathering, game/movie night, or your kids next sleepover!

Be sure to try them and let us know how you liked or didn’t like them. We would love to hear from you about your experiences. Have Fun and Drink Well!

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