
When you need a smile, encouragement, or pick-me-up. There’s something here that can help.
Being Resolute in Resolutions
The word resolute can sometime freak people out. I think we’ve put so much into resolutions that some of us have come to hate any form of the word. The problem is that we put to much weight...
New Year, Fresh Start
This time of year people are looking to get a fresh start with the new year. They may have written something down as to what they want to accomplish - making resolutions, goals, and plans for the new year.
Have you ever thought about the connections you make in any given day? What about the connections to the things that interest you? With all my time off and struggle...
What types of creativity are out there? What are the benefits and how can you discover your own creativity?
Perfection, is one of those words that you have to wonder what really is the meaning of it. Another example, the word average. What really is the meaning of average?
15 Ways to Regain Focus and Concentration
Nothing gets me more irritated then when I can't focus on what needs to get done. So, what really is focus and how to you keep ahold of it or get it back when you lose it?