How to Provide a Focused Atmosphere to Work and Relax

We’ve been talking about organization this last month, and now we are all about keeping our focus on what we set out to do this year. Many have dropped off already, while some are trying to keep up with the momentum they have. Others are forging ahead with their goals.


Image by Thomas from Pixabay

We all react to ‘resolutions’ differently. Some refuse to create them, others live by them, and others try to use other words to replace them, like goals or achievements. The problem is not with the word itself, it’s with our motivation and determination to complete them.

Focus on the result must be at the forefront of your mind as you work to achieve them. This can sometimes be difficult to accomplish in and of itself, but that doesn’t stop us from creating and letting some resolutions go by the wayside.

Even if you don’t set resolutions or goals at the beginning of the year, I’m sure you have goals you’re trying to reach regardless. And keeping your focus on those goals is what’s important. So let’s set your focused atmosphere.

What is a Focused Atmosphere?

Image by Homegrounds from Pixabay

A focused atmosphere is a space you create that fuels your goals and allows you to focus on what’s important to you. It’s set up in a way where distractions are limited or non-existent. The space is organized so you’re not searching for what you need and you can get down to business without interference.

It’s also a place of inspiration and encouragement. No matter where you look, there is a fresh, clean space with some form of inspirational quotes, images, your calendar, etc. Whatever keeps you focused and motivated should be present within the space for you to see daily and refer to.

This space is your encouragement, motivation, and inspiration to achieve what you set out to achieve. Let’s see how you can create it to serve you best.

Set Up Your Focused Atmosphere

Now that we’ve discussed why you should have a focused atmosphere, let’s move on to how you can accomplish this encouraging space.

In the Home

Within the space of your home, including your backyard (if you spend time outside during this time) you can create the space you want and need. With your space, you can get as creative or go as simple as you want.

What you need to decide is what works for you in terms of how you focus. Do you need silence, a little background noise, a specific scent, or a stash of snacks and beverages? Using incense, candles or defused oils can bring in the wonderful scent of your choice to your space.

Think of what motivates you, encourages you, and inspires you as you set up your space. Use those things to decorate and organize your space for maximum focus and inspiration. Quotes, vision boards, and even a calendar with deadlines can inspire you as you journey through each week and month to make it to your destination. Just try not to let it become more of a distraction than an inspiration.

Away From Home

focused coffee shop
Image by Karen Kincy from Pixabay

At times, you may want to move your work from your home and work in another location. Whether that is at a park, on a trip, or at your favorite cafe. Sometimes a different setting is rejuvenating for the mind. You have a different scenery, and a different perspective and can use that as inspiration.

If you want to work in a different space but feel the noise and movement around you would be a distraction, there are some things you can do to make the experience work for you. Noise-canceling headphones work wonders with keeping out noise and with your work infant of you, things around you should not be as distracting.

Though your surroundings could be an issue, you could always put up a small “table wall” to block out the sights if necessary. Though, I find the sights of my surroundings as inspiration. Your perspective of the space will determine how you see the world around you.

Plan Your Space

Focused atmosphere
Image by nana mikou from Pixabay

This is your space (unless you are going away from home, of course) so you can make it as you wish. Go crazy or keep it simple, your preferences count.

Analyze the space and see what needs to be removed and what you would like there for inspiration and encouragement. Decide what items you want and wear. Remember, you want this to be a space where you can focus and work to achieve your goals. Make the space comfortable and encouraging while keeping your focus and senses in mind.

Organize the space, remove what is not needed or wanted within the space and bring in what is needed. Make sure you’re not cluttering the space and that it works for the way you work. If you prefer more visuals, then add a few more. If you’re more into scents or sounds, then keep those stored and nearby, within easy reach. You also want to keep hydrated and take care of yourself, take breaks when you need them, and don’t forget snacks! Having a mini fridge in my office is great. I don’t have to leave and get distracted when I want something to drink or eat.

If you are stuck we have a great guide on building your creative atmosphere as well as articles on creating one anywhere you may be, along with some creative areas you may not have thought of. You can check them out HERE!

Final thoughts

Remember, you don’t need to go crazy and create an elaborate space to get the atmosphere you wish to have. A little can do a lot to accomplish the right atmosphere for your goals.

How do you set up your space to be sure you’re focused, motivated, and encouraged? Let us know and share pics of your focused atmospheres, we would love to see them!!

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