Have you ever thought about the connections you make in any given day? What about the connections to the things that interest you? With all my time off and struggle I realized that my interests do have a connection and since I’ve made some changes to my site, I thought I would delve a little deeper into those connections.
Personal Connections

Now we all have personal connections to the people around us. Family, friends, co-workers: those relationships are what we strive to achieve as human beings. We need those connections to others to keep us sane, too encourage us, to lift us and to know we are not alone.
Ways we connect
We as humans use many different forms of communication to connect with others. Body language, verbal conversations, written documents, images, just to name a few.
In this day and age, we’ve now learned to connect through the internet with the use of apps, social media, video conferencing, and more, but the main form of communication we use is words.
Even images are words, “A picture is worth a thousand words…” Words are what connect us most to others and that’s what this whole blog is about. The connection of words.
Every Day Connections

We all have our routines. Places we go, people we see, things we do; every aspect has connections whether with others or with the things we love. Coffee, driving, walking, exercise, whatever the case may be. Okay, so there is probably a love-hate relationship with exercise, but you understand my meaning.
Even though our connection to other people runs deep, there are other things we are connected to that make us happy, feel alive, become more productive. Things you probably didn’t realize you had a connection too or you did, but haven’t taken the time to really look at it.
What are things you love to do? What makes you the most happy? Find two or three things and see if there is a correlation between them.
That is exactly what I did.
Interest Connections
I explained a bit why I changed my site and blog to what it is in my previous post, but what I didn’t realize was that though my interests are in a way keeping my darkness at bay, they are also a way for me to connect with others like you.
Writing, images, even games have a way of connecting you to others. That’s why my interests are all connected with a single topic: story!

Everything I love focuses on story. Words that teach, words that encourage, music that speaks to the heart, images that inspires or makes you laugh, games that take you to new worlds, fight enemies, and win the day. Words are a major part of what I do. I love words, but stories make up what I love most. The journey through life’s teachings, the words behind the image, the adventure of playable characters.
Stories are here to bring hope, to teach, to provide an escape, much like pictures and games if you take the time to really see behind the strokes, game pieces, graphics and more.
I love a good story and see them everywhere. What do you see when you really take the time to look at the connections you have? Let me know in the comments.