Classic Writings Atmosphere

It may seem strange to have a subject like that as an atmosphere topic. If you like classic writings of any kind, you can definitely create an atmosphere around them.

The Classics

There are some fantastic classic writers out there that have paved the way for new writers to follow and learn from. Classics like Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Edgar Allan Poe, J.R.R. Tolken, Lewis Carroll, and more have graced us with amazing adventures, puzzling mysteries and so more for decades.

Some are even the reason we have chosen to take up a career in writing. Without these classic writers we wouldn’t have some of the most amazing stories they’ve written. Not to mention bringing those stories to life on the big screen with movie adaptations!

The Writings

Photo by furkanfdemir from Pexels

Daring adventures, detective mysteries, unbelievable lands and more have created an escape and inspired many who’ve dared to enter the world of the authors of the classic genre. Some like Alice in Wonderland are still fascinating readers and audiences with it’s movie adaptations.

When you think of those that came before and the process in which they took to get where they were successful, you’d find that it was a very difficult process. Some taking years to find the right publisher to take their work seriously.

The way they worked, the tools they had, even the smells in the air are different from they are now and that’s the best news! You can create an atmosphere using these classics and more as inspiration for your atmosphere!

Set Up Your Classic Writings Atmosphere

Now that we’ve discussed classic writers and their writings, let’s see how you can set up your atmosphere to fit. 

Away From Home

This may not be as easy to accomplish, probably harder than most really. But there are some little things you can do to take your atmosphere with you. Depending on how you want to accomplish this, you could use jewelry, and clothes that relate you your favorite classic authors, characters and stories.

You can create a bullet journal based on the classic writings, characters, and authors you love to carry and inspire you while you are away from home. You can also find creative scents to use, creating the right atmosphere for your nose. From perfumes, to candles, to essential oil combinations you can choose the scent and use them in the car, office, or on yourself in the case of perfumes.

If you know what the author liked to drink, you may be able to find them as well as their favorite snacks online or at shops to take with you. You never know what you’ll find when you do a quick search.

In the Home

Photo by Jovie Pujadas Ladura: via pexels

Within the space of your home, including your backyard (if you spend time outside during this time) you can get bit more creative. As with any atmosphere you are trying to achieve, you can get as creative or simple as you wish. If you have a collection of your favorite classic authors works, you are one step ahead. You an also hang some samples of their work along with images of the author themselves to hang inside.

Add in some items they likely used or one of their characters used and your going to have one awesome space filled with great works of fiction as well as props to inspire you!

Using incense, candles or oils can bring in the wonder scents of old books, libraries, Sherlocks study, Alice in Wonderland and more depending on your preference and interests. A quick online search will give you what you need to get your space smelling just like the detective’s flat or Alice’s journey through Wonderland. 

Plan Your Space

Image by Mikil Narayani from Pixabay

This is your space (unless you are going away from home, of course) so you can make it as classic as you want. Go crazy or keep it simple, your preferences count. 

If you want to keep it simple, but add a bit of classic flare, you can add a few images and snippets of their work to the room. This will keep things simple, but add just a little bit of a change to inspire you. 

If you want to do a bit more, have at it. Decide what items you want and where. Make the space comfortable and encouraging, while keeping your senses in mind as you plan. 

Remember your basics as well, you don’t want to forget anything as you move from place to place or while you are setting up. Keep hydrated and take care of yourself during this atmospheric season, take breaks when you need them and don’t forget snacks! 

If you are stuck we have a great guide on building your creative atmosphere as well as articles on creating one anywhere you may be, along with some creative areas you may not have thought of. You can check them out HERE!

Final thoughts

Remember you don’t need to go crazy and create an elaborate space to get the atmosphere you wish to have. A little can do a lot to create the right atmosphere for your goals during this time. 

Do you have a room or wall dedicated to your favorite author – classic or otherwise? Let us know and share pics of your creative atmospheres, we would love to see them!!

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