6 Tips and Tricks to Stay Focused in the New Year
Staying focused and on task for the new year is a goal most people have. Wanting to get organized and get your tasks done without distraction, interruptions or the chaos of every day life. I'll help you create ways that will help you stay focused all year.
Help Yourself This School Year With These Useful Stress Relief Self-Care Tips For Back To School
Going back to school can be stressful and overwhelming at times. Parents are stressed with shopping, work, and after-school activities. Students are worried about a grade, their social life, and acceptance. All are stress-inducing and hectic. All you need to do is add a little stress relief and self-care into your routine. So here are my useful stress relief self-care tips for back to school!
How to Efficiently Organize your Bullet Journal Materials
If you are anything like me, you have bullet journal materials everywhere. Journal, pens, markers, washi tape, sticker and so much more scattered everywhere. Bins and buckets shoved with materials. Boxes full of supplies slewed over your desk, shelves, and the floor. This was me when I first started. Let me help you organize your bullet journal materials.
Create a Travel Journal
Summer is almost upon us! The most popular time for traveling with friends and family and what better way to get started than to create a travel journal? When you travel you get to see new things, learn new cultures and taste amazing new dishes. Get out of your comfort zone and do something new. This is where a travel journal comes in. You can create a travel journal with just a notebook and your imagination or you can order one with prefilled pages for you to fill out.
Encourage a Young Writer
There are so many things in the world children can do. They are resilient and spontaneous. They believe they can do or be anything and we should help them accomplish their dreams. Writing isn't a hot topic for young children, but once in a while you get that one that wants to be a writer when they grow up. Don't discourage them, encourage a young writer to be the best they can be.
Spring Wreath Tutorial
Today I’m going to walk you through my simple Spring Wreath Tutorial. What materials you can use, and how to put it together. For me Spring is new beginnings and bright colors. Let jump right in! Materials Please excuse my horrible horrible table. It’s extremely old a worn, but is still good for doing crafts. The materials you will need are up to use, but the basic materials are as follows: Other materials you can use: Basically it’s a clean canvas, use your imagination and craft something amazing! The items I used for my wreath were flowers, a wooden sign I painted myself because I couldn’t find anything that had…
Calendex in your Bullet Journal
Do you ever feel like you can't fit all of your events and activities into your calendar spread? You could try to make your calendar bigger or you could write smaller, which would pose the problem of not being able to clearly read your handwriting. I sometimes have that problem, which is very frustrating when you need the information quickly. Create a calendex in your bullet journal!!
Vision Board for Your Bullet Journal
As this year comes to a close and a new year begins, everyone is looking at their goals for the next year. Why not make a Vision board to keep track of your goals and stay on top of them.
New Year Planning
To plan for the new year, you should take into account all aspects of your life, personal, business/career, family/friends and more. Here we are going to do our best to help you get ready and think about the coming year and planning to make it a success.
Level 10 Life
The year coming to a close, and as we begin to look back and evaluate how we have lived the last year of our life. We look at how much time we spent with family member, or how our finances are, and where we are in our job or career. Using a Level 10 Life strategy from Hal Elrod's book The Miracle Morning, you can track curtains areas of your life.