Need a Break

There are times in your life when you need to take stock and realize you just can’t keep going as you are. You need a break. Yes, I know. I’m always telling you to forge on, to keep going, but there are times where that is just not possible. That time has come for me. I’ve been fighting to keep going as I am and I’m finding it difficult to continue. I love what I’m doing, but as some of you know, I’ve been having minor health problems. Those problems are causing a fog in my head that feels like it won’t go away. It’s been really hard to concentrate on any one thing and I don’t feel that you, my readers, deserve half-hearted content from me.

Beginning Year Momentum

As the new year approached, things seemed to fall into place. Everything ran smoothly and I was ahead of schedule with the items I had planned. As with each year, by the time I get to the middle, things have started to slowly fall apart. My momentum slows, things get pushed off while others never get done. Events (planned and unplanned) force me to change my schedule. I felt last year that I might be able to provide blog content on a weekly basis. If I could keep my begining year momentum I would be able to continue. Unfortunately, that momentum never stays for the entire year. The last few months have been difficult, and I have to make a decision to keep going as I am, barely making my scheduled posts or make a change. 

Image by Jess Foami from Pixabay 

When I really think about it, I wanted to do better with my posts. I don’t feel they are as well-written or thought out as they could have been if I weren’t trying to work through this fog. You deseve better than that. Though I could go back to bi-weekly posts so you are recieving something from me. I feel it would be better for me to take a break, to refocus my thoughts and goals. I need to take my own advice and take a break.


Image by Cheryl Holt from Pixabay 

I’ve been telling you for a while that I planned to provide more (downloadable) content and I have provided a few. Not nearly as many as I would have liked to have by this time. I still want to provide those resources to you, to help you on your own journey. This break will allow me to focus more on that so I can continue to provide you with the worksheets and guides I’ve had planned for months now. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices to accomplish the goals you set out to do.


Image by klimkin from Pixabay

Most of you know that I homeschool my children. I love teaching them and with the start of the new year, things have gotten a bit more hectic with planning classes, projects, and more. There are times when I feel like I have no idea how I made it through the last two years homeschooling them. The process is never quite the same as the year before and this year is no exception. It’s a learning process each year for me as well as for my children and we work together to keep it running smoothly.


One of our (my husband and I) dreams for the last year or two (probalby longer) is to move from our current home to something that would fit our family better. If you’ve followed me for a while you know that my sisters and I get together at least twice a year once at Christmas where we have a tradition to pass (disguise) a fruitcake we’ve had since 1998. Don’t worry, it’s been sealed many times. The other is usually in August as a last hurrah before school starts. We’ve agreed to start hosting these events at each of our houses, taking turns each year between the six of us. 

Image by Pexels from Pixabay 

Well, our current home, though it’s big in it’s own right, is not large or spacious enough to fit all of my sisters comfortably. So, we are working to fix it up to put on the market. It’s taking way longer than either of us would like, but as with any journey, this is part of ours and we are willing to take the good with the bad to see that dream become a reality.


Looking at the plans/goals I made at the beginning of the year, I am highly disappointed with the outcome and though I have a few more months to try and accomplish something, I couldn’t possibly provide all the items I had on that list. So, where do I go from here? I do the very best I can to catch up with my plans. Find a way to keep those at the forfront as I haven’t looked at them for a while. My blog has taking most of my time and my worry about getting it done has prevented me from writing, editing, and creating the items I have been dreaming of creating for you. 

Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay 

It’s time to get back to what’s important and what I love and that is writing. Though my previous books need editing and I still have three or four complete, but not published. I want to continue writing (and editing). It’s what I love and what makes me happy. So, I’m going to start there and hopefully, the rest will follow. Don’t worry, when I get everything figured out, I’ll create a plan to get it all on a timeline for you. This break is for me and you.

Final Thoughts

Even though I’ll be taking a break from blogging for a bit. I’ll still be available on all my social media accounts and will continue to post useful content on there. I won’t be completely gone and I’ll let you know when I’m back to my full self, ready to continue as I have. For now, experience the adventure and enjoy the journey!

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