Autumn Harvest Atmosphere to Capture the Colorful Season

Even seasons can get their own atmospheric design if you are so inclined to celebrate the change in seasons each year as they come along with your work.

The Season

The wind has begun to chill and as Chlorophyll breaks down leaving behind the reds, yellows, and oranges beloved of the season, we begin to change as well. Stores and restaurants introduce new item and flavors of the season.

With the chill in the air, we begin to switch out our summer clothes for fall with warm sweaters and pants. You begin to see pumpkins, gourds, and apples become popular in stores as well as in the foods we eat and beverages we drink. And why not settle in with a good book or movie, a delicious drink and enjoy half of the rainbow that is being revealed through nature.

Why Autumn?

Image by DanaTentis from Pixabay

Well, why not? Autumn brings about a sort of semi change from summer to fall. It’s like the middle process as Winter is the final stage leading to new life and a new season in Spring.

As with the change in colors, weather and season, it can provide the inspiration for the change in our creative setting as well as the scenery. There are times when we get stuck in a rut and all you really need is a different perspective, something different to look at or a change in environment.

Autumn is sometimes overshadowed by the upcoming winter holidays and it deserves the proper attention. As it works to change and begin anew, so too should we. That’s why we have a new year and make resolutions. Autumn is your announcement of change!

Set Up Your Autumn Harvest Atmosphere

Now that we’ve discussed the importance of this season to the change you need in your atmosphere, let’s move on to how you can accomplish such a seasonal adjustment.

Away From Home

This may not be as easy to accomplish unless you plan to stay somewhere and are indoors, but there are some little things you can do to take your atmosphere with you. Not only could you dress the part with adding festively decorated clothes, you could put fake leaves in your hair, use autumn decorated notebooks and journals, or take small things to add to your areas to create a more autumn harvest feel, such as leaves, small pumpkins or a small candle. Even a small item can liven up the table or area in which you are occupying.

You can also get in the right state of mind by purchasing foods and drinks that go along with the season and scents you love. Coffee shops are great for providing pumpkin, apple and cinnamon flavored concoctions.

In the Home

Image by Melk Hagelslag from Pixabay

Within the space of your home, including your backyard (if you spend time outside during this time) you can do quite a bit more. You can get a bit more creative or go as simple as you want with your set up. Some items you can add are bales of hay, cute scarecrows, larger pumpkins, wreaths, cornucopia and more.

Using incense, candles or oils can bring in the wonderful scents of pumpkin, pies, burning wood, pine, apples, cinnamon and more depending on your preference of scent and what will assist in creating your Autumn atmosphere.

Another way to provide an autumn atmosphere and get the right scent along with taste is to make recipes that will create the aroma you are looking for. Not to mention, eating or drinking the delicious recipes you’ve just made. Skinny Mixes has a great selection of syrups you can add to any recipe for the flavor you’re looking for. *Not an affiliate link, just love the flavors they provide!

Plan Your Space

Image by Ulrike Mai from Pixabay

This is your space (unless you are going away from home, of course) so you can make it as harvest friendly as you want. Go crazy or keep it simple, your preferences count.

If you want to keep it simple, but add a bit of autumn flare, you can add a few colorful leaves to the room. This will keep things simple, but add just a little bit of a change to inspire you.

If you want to do a bit more, have at it. Decide what items you want and where. Make the space comfortable and encouraging, while keeping your senses in mind as you plan. Add things to keep you warm if you are like me and get cold easily.

Remember you basics as well, you don’t want to forget anything as you move from place to place or while you are setting up. Keep hydrated and take care of yourself during this season, take breaks when you need them and don’t forget snacks!

If you are stuck we have a great guide on building your creative atmosphere as well as articles on creating one anywhere you may be, along with some creative areas you may not have thought of. You can check them out HERE!

Final thoughts

Remember you don’t need to go crazy and create an elaborate space to get the atmosphere you wish to have. A little can do a lot to create the right atmosphere for your goals during this time.

Do you change things up for the seasons to create a change in atmosphere or do you plow right through to the end of the year without stopping? Let us know and share pics of your autumn atmospheres, we would love to see them!!

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