Help Yourself This School Year With These Useful Stress Relief Self-Care Tips For Back To School
Going back to school can be stressful and overwhelming at times. Parents are stressed with shopping, work, and after-school activities. Students are worried about a grade, their social life, and acceptance. All are stress-inducing and hectic. All you need to do is add a little stress relief and self-care into your routine. So here are my useful stress relief self-care tips for back to school!
Double Chocolate French Macarons and Cinnamon Coconut Latte
February is a time for love and relationships. Well, I love anything with cinnamon and coconut and I have a love hate relationship with chocolate, does that count? Whether you are spending the holiday with your significant other or spending it alone. You have to try these amazing treats!
How to Stay Focused on Your Writing Goals
As a writer, your writing is your life. You live, eat, and breathe your writing, your characters, and their journey. You would think nothing could separate you from your work once started and the words just flow from brain to fingers. Yet that is just not true. There are many aspects to the writing life that can cause your focus to wane from your path.
How to Provide a Focused Atmosphere to Work and Relax
We've been talking about organization this last month, and now we are all about keeping our focus on what we set out to do this year. Many have dropped off already, while some are trying to keep up with the momentum they have. Others are forging ahead with their goals.
How to Efficiently Organize your Bullet Journal Materials
If you are anything like me, you have bullet journal materials everywhere. Journal, pens, markers, washi tape, sticker and so much more scattered everywhere. Bins and buckets shoved with materials. Boxes full of supplies slewed over your desk, shelves, and the floor. This was me when I first started. Let me help you organize your bullet journal materials.
How to use Hygge to Organize Your Home or Office
Hygge has become a huge way of life recently. And when you look at it, how could it not. When we think of Hygge (pronounced hyoo·guh), we think of coziness, comfort and peace. According to the Oxford Dictionary Hygge means a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being. So how can you adapt this in your home or work. I'm going to tell you how you can use Hygge to organize your home of office.
Video Game Organization for a Clean Look and Efficient Gaming
Game organization isn't just organizing your games, it's everything that revolves around your games. Your game setups, the games themselves, controllers, headsets, VRs, cords, and more. To create a clean look as well as keep your gaming as efficient as possible, we need to organize it.
How to Organize Your Writing for Ease and Clarity
Organizing anything can be a bit daunting, whether it's your house, your computer, or your life. But what about your writing? How do you organize all of your writing tidbits and keep things so they are efficient and easy to find? Well, it may not seem easy at first, but with a little effort and a plan you can achieve an organized writing life.
Crack Brownie and Red Wine Sparkling Sangria for New Year Celebration
The brisk weather is here and the holidays are getting close. Just a few more weeks and they’ll be here. So, to get into the spirit of the season we are giving you something special.
Clean and Organized Environment for A Productive Year
Some feel that working in a "messy organized" space is how they get things done. Saying they know where everything is, well, it just irritates my clean freak tendencies. Having a clean and well-organized area is the best way to get things done and know where everything is at any given time. At least for me.