Creative Atmospheres and How to Create Your Own

The creative atmosphere (or atmospheres) in which you perform any activity or task contributes, I believe, to your overall reception and completion of that specific activity or task. Whether you are trying to write, complete a project, find inspiration or relax and read, the atmosphere you’re surrounding yourself in affect how well you do when completing it.

Trust me, I’ve spent the last two years in a completely different area of my house (we changed my office into a bedroom for a family member) and it was so hard to get things done when I couldn’t close myself away from the distractions. 

Creative Atmosphere
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay 

What it Takes to Create an Atmosphere

Creating the right atmosphere for you depends on a few factors: The senses can play a major role in how you can best create your perfect atmosphere. 


Now this may not be a sense by the technical term, but it is a place you can see, touch, and hear. Whether the location is inside or outside you should find a place that you feel comfortable and a place you can concentrate on the aspect of work you are trying to accomplish. 

This place can be your office, your living room, at the beach, at a park, in the woods, at your favorite cafe (or a new one), camping, traveling, or any other location you feel would give you an edge to your work/writing/reading environment. 

Look for a place where you will be comfortable, where you can gain inspiration from what’s around you, and where you can travel to quickly and easily. 


What you hear when you’re trying to relax or get some work done will and can also affect your ability to get things done. Screaming children in the background can be a major distraction, unless you’re writing/researching the behavior of children for your project. Hearing a TV when you want to hear your playlist can also be a distraction.

Creative Atmosphere
Image by silviarita from Pixabay 

Then there are those of us who at times, would just like to have the quite sounds of nature as we focus. The day to day of the animals and insects around you, the rustle of the breeze through the trees and the trickle of a creek near by.

Create your location with the sounds you enjoy. Create a playlist if you can’t get to the appropriate location of your choice. This will help you visualize the area and create the atmosphere you are going for. 


Have you ever smelled something that brought back memories of better times? I know I have. Or smelled something that seemed so familiar but you just couldn’t put your finger on where you knew it from? Smell is so connected to memories that we find scents that make us happy and place them around so we can have that same feeling again, even if for only a moment. 

Candles are so popular because you can get whatever scent you wish from chocolate cake to fresh cut grass. You can now have that scent anywhere you place the candle. Your favorite scents are now at the flick of a match whenever you wish to smell that scent you love. 

Now that isn’t always the case when you are in need of the real thing. There is nothing better than being outside and smelling fresh cut grass (not for me, but I know others love it) For me it’s fresh baked goods. I could sit at subway and smell their fresh baked breads all day. If you are the baking type (I’m not, sadly), this is where you can create a scent and enjoy a snack at the same time. Make something yummy and your home is permeated with the smell of something delicious. 

Having those smells on hand is essential to creating your perfect atmosphere. 


There are times when you need the sight as well as the smell of the location. Seeing your creative atmosphere is just as important as hearing it or gain the smells from the area. Where your location is depends on what you’re working on. If you’re reading, you want somewhere you can enjoy when you look up from your reading and then return to the book. 

Others could use a sense of hidden involvement as they work, such as people watching. A park is great for this… where you can relax and work at a distance, but still get the benefits of completing your research for character inspiration. 

Even the sight of your supplies (notebooks, pens, binder, books, papers, markers, ruler, etc) can bring some comfort and a sense of peace within you. Knowing you have everything you need to complete the project or task you set for yourself not only brings a sense of peace, but a feeling of accomplishment. 


Now, I wouldn’t expect you to go out and eat the grass if that is something you love smelling for your creative atmosphere, so please don’t do that. 

What I mean here is, while you work, you may get hungry and having a favorite snack or treat nearby may help with that while you’re hard at work. 

Delicious Treats
Image by Daniel Twal from Pixabay

If you can coordinate before hand what your working on and what you’re eating, that would be even better. Let’s say you are writing a novel and you know you’re going to be writing about a cafe scene. Think of some foods that would be in a cafe to bring. If the scene is in a kitchen, perhaps a sandwich or wrap. If it’s at a candy shop, bring along what you think your characters would like from there. 

Perhaps you’re working on a project that isn’t related to story telling, bring along whatever you feel would keep you satisfied and give you energy to keep going. I always love things with pieces so I can pop them in my mouth and keep working. That’s a little harder to do with a sandwich or even a candy bar. I don’t want to have to try to find a place to put it down. 


You may not believe this would be an important thing to cover, but it is. In any location you wish to be for a creative atmosphere, there are things you are going to want around you for inspiration, a touch of ambiance, or just for comfort. 

That could be blankets, pillows, books, papers, a hammock, a table, pencils, or even knickknacks. No matter where you are there are things you are going to want in that area to give you a sense of peace, accomplishment, inspiration, and readiness. 

If your area is not within your home, there is an easy fix for this. Create an atmosphere bag where you add in all the things you need to set up your space. You’ll need to keep track of what’s in there and things to add and subtract for each location you have, but it’s a great way to have everything you need whenever you plan to work outside the home or even inside. 


These may not be a necessity, but they definitely help with the area. Whether inside or outside, probably not anywhere outside your yard for some. 

Things like Images, pictures, rugs, lights, encouraging phrases and colored walls can give your area (as long as it’s a room in your house) that extra missing element your space may need. 

Now that I think about it, you could take some lanterns, a journal of encouragement and images and the earth is already painted with the right colors for the areas you choose. 

How to Create Your Atmosphere

Now that you know what you would like in the type of atmosphere(s) you enjoy, it is time to plan out how to create those areas. 

Step 1: Plan

Image by Miesha Moriniere from Pixabay 


Like with any plan, you need to set aside time to plan your area as well as time to use your create space. Plan for the time it will take to set up your creative atmosphere and the things you want to use it for. It may not be as quick and easy as you think. When you have a plan and set aside the amount of time you need to complete the task, you are setting yourself up for success right from the start. 


Of course you’re going to want to be comfortable in your new space, but in the excitement and haste to create it, some may skip over this completely. Keep this in mind as you’re planning your creative atmosphere. You don’t want to finish setting your area up go to use it and then realize you’re not comfortable at all in your new space. You adjust and move things, taking more time to get things to where you’re comfortable and now, you’ve gotten nothing done. So test it out before putting the finishing stamp of approval on your space. Make sure you’re going to be comfortable in the new area so when you go to use it, you’ll maximize the time spent there. 

Understand Who You Are and How You Work

You know you best. What are the things that you need to do your best work? Is there anything you need in the space to help you stay focused and push yourself to achieve the goals you set for the space? Are there specific items, music, knickknacks, or supplies that you need to use the space to it’s fullest potential? Make a note of these to gather later. 

Home and Out

Everyone usually has a space within the home where they do most of their work, but what about outside the home? Yes, you will plan for your space within your home, but I want you to also think about the spaces outside the home as well. What places do you like to read and work outside the home? Is it at a park? At a cafe? By a river? In the woods listening to nature? In your own back yard? 

Wherever that other space is, plan your area there as well. Now you may not be able to spread blankets on the floor of a cafe, but you can certainly plan what you need to make the space most beneficial to you and have them ready whenever you decide you need another scenery to work in. 

Step 2: Decide Color Scheme (If Applicable)

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Now, when planning for your space outside the home, there are no walls for you to decorate, but thats the great part about being outdoors (or in if you are at a library or cafe) Those color choices have already been made for you as nature surrounds you (or the walls of your favorite cafe). 

Within your own home, you may have the ability to create your atmosphere right down to the color of the walls and you want to choose one that will complement the mood you want for the space. 

Something else to think about are wall hangings. What types of things do you want on your walls that will inspire, encourage, or even empath wisdom? Do you have tapestries you want to hang, quotes, images or photos? What about a vision board, your written goals, or a calendar? 

This is your space, whether inside or out. Make it work for you with some color whether it be the walls inside, or your supplies outside. 

Step 3: Gather Items and Supplies

Image by Jess Bailey from Pixabay


Whether your working at a desk, a chair, or pillows on the floor, you’ll need to gather the items you want for each area. By now you have an idea of how you want your area to look and what you want within the area. Now is the time to gather or purchase those items. You’ve plan for the area to work for you, now is the time to ready the area for the stage! 


This may be a bit more detailed or not depending on where your outside area is. If it’s in your own backyard, you can be as creative as you want. Put up lights, hang shades, build a whole new office from a shed. The choice is yours, but keep in mind that you’ll need to plan for weather. You don’t want to set up your area and then forget it when it rains, leaving everything to get wet. 

Away From Home

This may be a bit more tricky since you can’t set up the space and leave it there. Here is where a travel bag comes in handy. While you’re planning, you can plan a bag that is easy to grab on your way out of the house with everything you need to create your space quickly and easily for the area you’ve chosen. 

A cafe might be just you’re ipad/laptop, earbuds, the purchase of a drink and a corner where you can work. A park could be a bit more with a comfortable blanket, maybe a pillow, your favorite snacks, drink, notebooks, pencils, a travel trinket for inspiration and more.

What you want to plan and pack for outside the home is up to you and how you work. Make the area yours to use and you’ll never lose focus or momentum again. 

Step 4: Organize and Decorate

Creative Atmosphere
Image by Pexels from Pixabay 

Now that you’ve made a list and gathered your items, it’s time for the fun part! Start with your home space first and set up that area as you planned to your specification. This may take more than one day so plan your time wisely. You may need to add a fresh coat of paint to a room, set up lights, or get your wall hangings just right. Don’t get discouraged as you set up your space, once you get your space the way you want it will become your favorite place to work and read. 

Once you’re finished with inside your home, it’s time to start the fun all over again! Grab a bag (you could splurge a bit and get a nice one that relates to your goals or common projects), a basket or something else to organize your out of house creative atmosphere pack. This you will keep near the door or in your office for easy transport to your areas away from home. You could also keep them in your car if that’s something you want to do. Of course if you plan to bring any electronics, I would keep those at home. 

If there are items you use regularly that you can’t keep in your bag, then keep a list of the items you’ll need to gather quick on your phone, in your planner or journal for easy reference. 

Step 5: Enjoy!

Creative Atmosphere
Image by superlux91 from Pixabay

You’ve done the hard work, you’ve put in the time and energy to set up your creative atmosphere just the way you want, now is the time to sit back and enjoy no matter where you are! 

Take a breath, sip your favorite drink, take a bit of a sweat treat and go! Read to your fullest, get those projects done, achieve your goals because now you’re space is tailored to who you are and how you work. Go! Be Great!

Bonus 1: 

There are many places and ways to create your creative atmosphere. Click the button below to find out more about creating specific creative atmospheres, where and when to create them as well as how to create each one to suit your needs and keep you inspired. If you have a suggestion or would like to see a specific creative atmosphere space, contact us and we’ll add it to out database.

Bonus 2:

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