Apple Cobbler and Viognier Wine

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, that means it time for great family and friends, good food (like cobbler) and excellent wine. If the holidays aren’t your thing, we’ve got some alternate harvest posts you might be interested in. You can find them HERE and HERE.

November is the time for giving thanks for all the things you have in your life large or small. Family, job, health, the most important thing, but the little things like Apple cobbler and Viognier Wine can make the holidays extra special!

Apple Cobbler

The perfect desert for the fall season. Easy to make and so yummy the whole family will be asking for more. With the smooth cake like deliciousness on top and nice tart apples underneath.

How can you go wring with this delicious treat for your next holiday.

For an amazing homemade apple cobbler check out

Viognier Wine

This delicious white wine perfumed in Tangerine, peach or honeysuckle will get your taste buds going. If you like Chardonnay, you should try this Viognier.

You can purchase this wine from most convenient stores.

Try this combination at your next holiday gathering, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New years.

Be sure to try them and let us know how you liked or didn’t like them. We would love to hear from you about your experiences. Have Fun and Enjoy!

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