9 Useful Ways to Achieve Writing Goals While Traveling

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Us, as writers, require a continuous process of writing daily to meet your goals. Writing while traveling tends to throw that off wack, but only because we didn’t plan ahead. It can be discouraging or feel impossible to write while vacationing and traveling; just driving in the car may prevent you from getting anything done if you get carsick.

Trying to achieve your goals as you travel is definitely challenging, but with a bit of planning and communication, you and your companions will enjoy your travel destinations while still progressing with your writing.

Here are some tips to get writing done while on the road and during your vacation: 

1) Set Clear Goals

Image by gabrielle_cc from Pixabay

As you would with your writing at home, you need to set your goals for the trip before you leave. What exactly do you want to accomplish during the trip pertaining to your writing? Do you want to stick to a word count? Write a certain number of chapters or scenes? Do you want to get a chapter or scene edited?

Write down these goals and any others you want for this trip so you keep them visible and yourself accountable.

2) Create a List of Supplies

Before you leave, create a list of all the items, tools, aids, you’ll need to pack to help you get your writing done. These could be extra spirals and pens, inspiration, images, notes, and more. Whatever you need in order to continue with your writing away from home.

Also, consider the location and conditions of your destination. Be sure to check things like internet access and WiFi availability as well as battery life. You don’t want to get to your destination and realize you don’t have everything you need because of a tech glitch.

3) Create a Schedule/Stick to Your Routine

Image by hudsoncrafted from Pixabay

Your routines are what keep you going throughout your writing process. They keep you on track and help you get things done. Try to keep those routines as you travel if you can. If not, then create a schedule that will fit you and your companions. Stick to it.

4) Create Your Space

Before you travel, if you can, check out the space you’ll be staying in. Will you need to create a similar space to that of what you have at home? Are you going to need a quiet area or can you work through the chaos of family/companion presence?

Think of the conditions that help you write at home and try to replicate it as much as possible. If you need a separate space, be sure to take that into account when reserving your travel stay. Keep all of your writing supplies in one bag so that if you decide to go somewhere close by to work for a bit, you have everything all ready to go. Most writers love coffee shops and cafes. Perhaps there’s one close to visit and get work done.

5) Discuss With Your Travel Companions

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When traveling with family and friends, it’s best to communicate with them that you would like to continue your writing routine while you are travel. Tell them what you’ll need and discuss how you can fit your writing in while there. This will allow you to continue with your writing goals and be respectful to the travel group.

6) Make Downtime Productive

While traveling, you will have periods of downtime that you can take advantage of. Hours of travel in a car or train, lengthy layovers, and other periods of downtime can be unavoidable. Use those times to develop and idea, continue your notes, flesh out a character or setting, and more. As you would if you were at home, use the time given to you to keep moving forward.

7) Journal

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Journals can be an essential tool to help you write while traveling. Keeping a journal with you as you visit places and enjoy your vacation can provide a way to jot down notes that come on unexpectedly as well as those inspirational moments that give you an aha moment. Take pictures to capture those moments that really inspired you or gave you an emotional reaction to refer to later.

8) Research

Everything you do as a writer can technically be considered research. So, use this time and some before you reach your destination to research the area in which you’ll be staying. You never know if you’ll want to use that location later on or if you’re using for your current writing, you want to be prepared.

Familiarize yourself with the locations history, traditions, and culture. Add and learn new things like architecture, food, and language. Go beyond the tourist areas and see the real location. Talk to others that are traveling there as well as natives of the area who can give you different perspectives to use.

9) Take an Actual Break

Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

This is a trip, and when you continue your writing, while traveling without taking a moment to really see the beauty and wonder of the area, you jeopardize the relaxation you need to reboot your systems. Give yourself time to clear your mind, have little fun and enjoy the time you have with your companions.

Allow yourself and your mind to get caught up in the moment. Take in the sights, food, characters, and anything else that you can. Let the inspiration come to you, soaking into your thoughts and adding to your toolbox of ideas and inspiration.

Final Thoughts

It can be immensely difficult writing while traveling, but it’s definitely not impossible if you put some things in place to help you stick with your goals and stay on track. Use the tools and tips above to keep things organized and plan for a successful trip. Don’t forget to use this trip for what it was intended for and take a break to enjoy your surroundings.

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