Mummy Pizza and Fog Water for a Quick Halloween Snack

The days are getting cooler and the stores are getting ready for the next holiday on the calendar. If Halloween isn’t your thing, we’ve got some alternate harvest posts you might be interested in. You can find them HERE and HERE.

Halloween is a spooky time of year, but as small kids are not into the spooky, you often see them trick or treating as their favorite cartoon character, super hero, anime or video game character. Though jack-o-lanterns, spiderwebs, ghosts, scarecrows and bats will remain the holiday’s most throughout of characters, along with many others, we continue our post with some easy, yet awesome treats.

Mummy Pizza


These fun pizzas are great for an after school snack, or a snack for any time, really. They are quick and easy to make and they are delicious. The delicious pizza sauce, the small crunch of a biscuit crust and your choice of cheese and topping eyes make the perfect combination.

This is a great snack to keep around the house to munch on!

For awesome mummy pizza click the link below from

Fog Drink

What goes best with mummy pizza you ask? Well, why not a fog drink. Halloween is known for spooky fog and bubbling cauldrons.

This recipe combined with mummy pizza is great! Add worms or spiders to make it spooky. Then little piece of dried ice (handled with care) will light up the eyes of any young one and make their day! Make it even more fun and put it in a cauldron!

Recipe credit to Photo by cottonbro via

Try this delicious pair for a fun Halloween treat, after school snack, or family fun day!

Be sure to try them and let us know how you liked or didn’t like them. We would love to hear from you about your experiences. Have Fun and Enjoy!

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