A Day in the Life

My day as a writer changes from time to time, since I am also a mom, teacher and wife. 

I’ve decided to give you a rundown of my day. Winter vs. Summer since those are the two basic seasons for me or I should say School vs Summer. We are currently experiencing winter (school) so I will start there. It has been difficult this year with my kids. We began homeschooling this year and although there were and still are some struggles, we are working through them together. 

Our family lives in Wisconsin and I have to say we are living in the wrong area! I do not like the cold and my family may not hate it as much as me, they like the warmth better. Give me a nice warm day where I can sit on my porch and enjoy my surroundings and I’m a happy camper. Winter is more difficult on my days since we stay inside most (if not all day) and we get a bit of cabin fever. 

School Days

To begin we wake at 5am (my kids choice to get a head start on the day, they were actually getting up at 6am, but they chose to wake up earlier. Good thing is they go to bed an hour earlier now!)

As we wake up, my kids get ready for the day. Changing clothes, eating breakfast, brushing teeth, combing hair, and then they start on their chores while I a grade their work from the previous day. When I am finished, I go up and get myself ready. Of course, when you leave the room the bickering starts. 

When we handle that, things get back on track and chores get finished while I try to check emails, goals I want to get done that day and the like. 

While my children are working on schoolwork (the subjects they don’t need my help in) I will start ticking off my to do list and write as much as I can. Of course, I get breaks when I have to teach a lesson that they don’t understand or requires further direction. Then it’s back to work. If/when they get done with their work. They are allowed to play until their daddy gets home from work. That’s the time I really have to get things done. My husband is very supportive and understanding so some evenings he will encourage me to continue and will handle the kids while I get more done. 

Summer Days

During the summer when the weather gets warmer and the kids don’t have school, we have a better chance of getting outside. The days begin relatively the same. I wake at 5am and exercise, shower and get started with my day.(I tend to exercise more during the summer when we have longer days. One of my personal goals for the rest of the colder months.)

A Day in the Life

During the day we may pack a lunch to take to the park. The kids play while I enjoy the scenery and write. I also check on them every 30 seconds because I’m protective like that. Or we will just sit in our backyard with our dog and the kids will pretend they are the next ‘Goldie and Bear’, Lindsey Serling, Skylanders, or whichever topic of interest inspires them while I check off my goals list for the day.

I take breaks in between to play with my kids. When daddy gets home we’ll grill and have dinner on the porch as the sun sets. We enjoy watching our children as they use the beautiful imaginations God gifted them with. 

It’s one of the best parts of my day. Sometimes I will sit and have my children recite a story of their own making while I write it down. They like to be included with mommy’s work sometimes. 

What is your day like? How do you organize your schedule?  

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