9 of Our Favorite & Greatest Video Game Characters

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There are many lists out there of the greatest video game characters throughout the decades. As a family, we have not played all there is out there. I wouldn’t want to try to give you a list where I don’t have experience with the characters I mention.

So, we are going to give you the top favorite and greatest video game characters we love and have experience with. At the bottom, I’ll list others that some have listed as well and you can see which made the list, which didn’t, and you can comment with ones you would add to the list.

Favorite and Greatest

These are characters we’ve played and go back to play because of their witty banter, awesome moves and fantastic story. Whether you feel the same, is totally your opinion as these are mine.


Image by Alexa from Pixabay

You can’t have a list of the greatest video game characters without Mario and the gang. These iconic characters have made it through decades of gaming and have evolved throughout the years. They continue to be a staple within the home of Nintendo players.

This plumber trying to save the princess from the evil Bowser with the help of his friends has evolved from single player to multiplayer games. There is a lot that can be learned from Mario and his friends. Only if you take the time to really look: teamwork, determination, fortitude, skills, etc.

Sly Cooper

Sly Cooper and his band of orphan buddies has captured our hearts since the day my dad introduced us to him years ago. Once played, we went out and purchase all we could and have since purchased whatever has been release. This is a game our family has enjoyed for so long. Our children have grown up with him, seen his evolution of his stealthy missions. His determination to keep his family heirloom intact for future Cooper members to receive and learn from is inspiring.

It was a huge disappointment to see this game and it’s characters growth come to a screeching halt. With the last installment’s preview of a continued journey, but never receiving anything to see what happens after Sly gets separated from his gang by centuries! Ratchet and Clank have continued with a new installment with great success, so why not Sly?!

Ratchet and Clank

Another of, well at least my favorites. My husband is not as fond of these two as I am and I can’t quite figure out why. As with Sly Cooper and the gang, these two meet by chance. They become friends who save the galaxy from evil. Evil that wants to change those to machines, their planets for his own gain and more.

They may not have started out quite as good friends as most, but their relationship evolved. Battling together, if formed into a great friendship and even greater partnership as Ratchet searches for his lost family. (Which we are still waiting to see.) Though, with the last installment, it does seem like we are actually getting closer to that goal.

Jak and Daxter

This is the third in my arsenal of games. These three (Sly Cooper, Ratchet and Clank, and Jak and Daxter) are what got me into gaming. These are the games I return to and play over again. Those games, when I don’t have something to play or I just want to revisit an old friend.

Our family will play these together, often taking turns as someone dies or completes a mission. Our kids have grown up on these three games and our son is as bit a gamer as I am.

Jak and Daxter start out as friends, though you never hear Jak speak in game one. Daxter talks enough for both of them. They disobey their elders as children often do, get into trouble, and go on an adventure. Their goal to save not only Daxter who’s turned into an ottsel, but the world. They soon find out that the one person who is supposed to be able to help Daxter, now wants to flood the world with dark eco.

As the games progress you see Jak become a rugged, angered character with a grudge. Yet he still has a soft spot for his friends as he saves them from new threats. Even after the events of the third installment. I have to say the Lost Frontier was not recieved well, yet audiences still crave another game involving Jak and his annoying, yet witty friend Daxter. Again, if Insomniac can bring out another installment, why can’t the others? Don’t try to make that realistic, their cartoon vibe is what fans fell in love with. Keep them the same and continue their journeys. That’s all we ask.


Horizon Forbidden West_20220526113654

A relatively new character to the gaming scene and one I’ve completely fallen for… is Aloy from Horizon: Zero Dawn and Forbidden West. In the first game, you get to see her grow and make decisions on how she’ll react to situations. She grows into a determined, wild-harden woman who only wants to know why her mother abandoned her as a baby.

Though her journey takes her far and wide, she feels that she’s doing her friends a favor by trying to keep them from the journey she must face. They are insistent and there when she realizes their presence is more helpful than hindering.

Gurilla has created a game that I will replay for years to come and anxiously await the next installment like a child waiting for Christmas morning. Aloy is a great character with snippy comebacks, determined attitude, and awesome battle moves. If you haven’t tried this game, I can’t recommend it enough.

Edward Kenway

As with all of the Assassin’s Creed games, their characters have a history, a sense of honor, and are determined to stop the Templars from their traitorous plans. Edward Kenway was the first assassin I was introduce to as Black Flag was the first game I played of this series.

Realizing that there were SO many of these games, I’ve started my collection. It will take me time to get through them as I am the type of gamer that wants to gain all there is to gain within the game. I’ve grown quite attached to Edward Kenway, probably because he is the first assassin I was introduced to and I believe everyone has that with their first character in a series. I enjoyed his journey on land and at sea, battling ships, helping the assassin order and eventually retiring in peace with his children.

The fact that these games have a fantastic story, collectables galore, huge maps, and moves I wish I could perform are a few of the reasons I’ve continued with the series. I love a good story where you can connect with the character.

Donkey Kong

Photo by Ryan Quintal on Unsplash

This character is one of my husbands favorites. Though we haven’t played the originals in a while, he does choose Donkey Kong whenever we play Mario Party. His large size doing nothing to impede him in the challenges set before him.

Even in Super Sluggers for the Wii, Donkey Kong takes his barrels with him to the field. He is an opposing figure with wicked swing and competitive nature in all games.

Mega Man

Here is one I am less familiar with as it was one of my husbands favorites growing up. Mega man is a side scroller and the only one to make this list other than the early Mario games. With his mechanical body, Mega Man moves through the land defeating enemies to try to save the town.

This game is also one that has evolved and made it throughout the years to new consoles and new games for gamers to enjoy. From the beginning on the NES to new installments and stories on the Switch, there is plenty for you to continue enjoying.


Though these are considered two different characters, they are connected in a special way. When I first started playing Kingdom Hearts, it was hard to get through the long cinematic beginning. I played until I reached Maleficent and then realized I would have to start over because I didn’t have enough life and couldn’t go get more before dying and returning to her area again.

My son, however, loves this series and now has them all. I’ll sit and watch him play sometimes and the story behind Sora and Ventis are very compelling. With their friends by their side, they are able to defeat the evil that’s running a muck throughout the Disney lands. Their determination to help their friends defeat evil and protect those that can’t defend themselves makes for a great hero story for younger players.

Final Thoughts

Depending on what you’ve played and which characters you connect with; you may not agree with my choice of great characters. That’s okay, we don’t have to agree. You choose the ones you think are great and let me know in the comments so I can try out their games for myself and update this post in the future.

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